Durham Region Search Results
Searching for Child Mental Health
Located near Oshawa
Toronto, ON, M4L 2W6
Multi-service community centre, including early years drop-in programs, parent support, recreation and social activities, food hub, seasonal income tax clinic, information and referral, and community development
Parent and Child Programs
- after school and evening activities for children and youth
- prenatal and perinatal nutrition and support
- children's summer day camp
After school and summer day camp may have wait list, contact for information
EarlyON Child and Family Centres, see separate listing
Older Adults and Seniors Program
Social and recreation activities, check-in calls and referrals to community services
Community Programs
Access to food programming and seasonal tax clinic
- seasonal tax preparation clinic, by appointment February-April, 416-461-5046
- East End Food Hub partner, www.eastendfoodhub.org, [email protected]
Mississauga, ON, L4Z 3K7
Community mental health programs including individual and family counselling, and counselling and support for youth struggling with mental health and substance use
- intensive short-term crisis intervention
- child, youth and parent counselling
- youth justice programs, including diversion and rehabilitation
- transitions to adult services
- parenting support, courses and groups
- housing supports
- educational groups for youth
- volunteer opportunities
Some programs in partnership with other community agencies
North York, ON, M3J 2E5
- youth and family situation professional assessment
- support plan development
- stay-in-school initiatives
- parent and family support including coaching, health counselling, parental guidance
- referral assistance
Vaughan, ON, L6A 4H7
Pediatric health care facility for children and adolescents, owned by the Hospital for Sick Children
Rehabilitation and Developmental Services
- hearing screening
- speech therapy
- occupational therapy
- physiotherapy - orthopedic and neurodevelopmental, pelvic health physiotherapy
- massage therapy
- nutrition
- psychological assessment and therapy, developmental assessments for children three years and older
- social work
- single session therapy
- group therapy, caregiver workshops
Physician Services
- adolescent medicine
- allergy and immunology
- bladder and bowel dysfunction
- cardiology
- consulting pediatrics, primary care
- eating disorders
- endocrinology
- gastroenterology
- nephrology
- orthopedic surgery and MSK
Brampton, ON, L6Y 4M3
Comprehensive wraparound service teams for individuals with complex needs and severe mental health issues
- short and long-term counselling and case management for individuals with mental health and substance use issues
- grants and financial support individuals experiencing housing issues
- court support, and pre-charge diversion program (Caledon)
- system navigation and case management for seniors experiencing neglect and abuse
- education and training to the larger community on stigma surrounding mental health and addictions issues
Street Helpline, 1-877-848-8481
Mobile outreach for people who are unhoused, under-housed or street involved, and have mental health and addiction challenges
24.7 Crisis Support Dufferin Peel, 905-278-9036, 1-888-811-2222, see separate listing
BounceBack Ontario, 1-866-345-0224, bouncebackontario.ca
Online and virtual mental health supports, for intake see separate listing Canadian Mental Health Association, York Region and South Simcoe)
Newmarket, ON, L3Y 9C3
- confidential, non-judgmental
- free, health card not required
- no referral necessary
- locations and schedule vary, contact for information
Newmarket, ON, L3Y 9C3
Wide range of mental health programs and services
- case management, including seniors case management
- clinical therapy and rapid access psychiatry
- assertive community treatment teams
- early psychosis intervention
- mobile youth walk-in clinic (MOBYSS, see separate listing)
- hospital discharge support and community transition team
- Community Homes for Opportunity supportive housing
- gender affirming health clinic
- mental health court support
- telemedicine program
- Support for Depression Groups
- family caregiver education and support groups
- youth wellness programs
- employment program
- social recreation/rehabilitation
- community education
- College of Health and Wellbeing courses in partnership with peer supporters
Community Education Department Workshops
Information regarding mental health and illness, guidance on responding respectfully and effectively to those struggling with mental health issues, coping mechanisms, and workplace responsibilities in relation to mental health; workshops on a variety of topics such as Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health 101, Workplace Wellness, Resilient Minds in Tough Times, Seniors and Depression, Mental Health Works
BounceBack Ontario, 1-866-345-0224, bouncebackontario.ca
Online and virtual mental health supports, see separate listing
Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (OSP)
Short term cognitive behavioural therapy, see separate listing
Oshawa, ON, L1H 4K5
Therapy, counselling for individuals, couples and families regardless of religious beliefs, and young parent support services:
- assist victims of gender based and family violence to obtain protection and safety
- group programs for abused women, children and teens exposed to violence
- parenting groups for young parents
- one on one parenting support and supportive counselling
- life skills and social groups for young parents
- couple and family therapy
- trauma therapy
- psychotherapy for mild to moderate mental health issues
- access to Safety Network Durham Gender Based Violence Hub
Head office in Oshawa
Satellite office in Ajax
250 Bayly Street W, Unit 22
Ajax, ON L1S 3V4A
Member Agency of Catholic Charities, a Member Agency of Family Service Ontario, and a Member Agency of Ontario Young Parents Association
Brampton, ON, L6T 3T6
- individuals seeking counselling for themselves and their children are asked to attend first session alone
- child care available
Mississauga, ON, L5L 3R6
Individual, couples and family counselling
- individuals seeking counselling for themselves and their children are asked to attend first session alone
- child care available
Newmarket, ON, L3Y 3E3
Child, Youth and Family Program
Individual therapy up to 48 weeks for children and youth 3-18 years, includes psycho-education support for their families/caregivers concerning trauma and trauma responses; ongoing caregiver support and trauma therapy available; follow-up includes family sessions
Anti-Human Trafficking Program
Individual therapy up to 48 weeks for children and youth 3-18 years, who have experienced or are at risk of human trafficking
Adult Program: Skills Training in Affect and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR) Group
Group therapy includes 11-week mixed gender psycho-education to develop practical skills to improve emotional regulation and relationships; foundational component prior to individual therapy
Group Therapist Training Program
For professionals working with individuals who have experienced childhood trauma
Outreach and Prevention Program
Includes information, resources and public presentations to community groups, schools, and professionals
Member agency of Support Services Network for Male Survivors in Ontario
Toronto, ON, M4Y 1G7
Youth mental health centre, including treatment, advocacy, research, education, community development projects
Community Counselling
Individual and group counselling for high-risk youth 12-17 years; for assistance in accessing program contact intake worker
- community and school outreach
Transitional Aged Youth Programs
For youth and young adults 14-24 years with serious and complex mental illness
- day program
- early intervention and treatment
- long-term case management
- support and crisis intervention for youth involved with criminal justice system
- youth hostel outreach
Pride & Prejudice
For lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, queer and questioning youth and young adults experiencing depression or anxiety
- individual counselling on a variety of issues including gender identity, sexual orientation, traumatic experiences such as childhood abuse or family violence, homophobia, relationship concerns with family and friends
- transition support
- group programs
RITES Collaborative
Coordinated and culturally responsive clinical mental health services for Black youth and their families; in partnership with George Hull Centre for Children and Families
Youth Justice
For moderate to high-risk youth serving a youth order and/or with matters before youth court
- guidance, counselling and comprehensive support
- court diversion and open custody programs
- early release and transition support
- probation outreach program
- referral from probation officer
Toronto, ON, M6J 1H4
Mood and Anxiety Service for Children and Youth
Outpatient assessment and treatment for children and youth 6-18 years, who are experiencing mood and/or anxiety difficulties; support for parents and caregivers
- problems related to worry, phobias, emotions, sadness and/or hopelessness
- psychosocial and medical treatments
- group intervention for children and youth 10-18 years
Substance Abuse Program for African Canadian and Caribbean Youth (SAPACCY), 416-535-8501 ext 30655
Outpatient early intervention and prevention services for African and Caribbean Canadian youth under 25 years, who are dealing with problem substance use and mental health concerns
- assessment, treatment options
- individual and group counselling
- family support group for families with youth 14-24 years
- coping, self-care and prevention strategies
Youth Addiction and Concurrent Disorders Service
Outpatient assessment and treatment for young people 14-24 years with substance use challenges, with or without concurrent mental health concerns
- individual and group treatment
- psychiatric consultation and follow-up
- family support and education
Youth Justice Assessment Clinic, 416-535-8501 ext 30512
Comprehensive outpatient, court ordered assessment for youth involved with the youth justice system including mental health, cognitive, academic and criminal behaviour
- recommendations to courts, families and agencies
- treatment plan and regional resources
- treatment referrals to community agencies
Slaight Family Centre for Youth in Transition
Psychosis early intervention, treatment and recovery services, see separate listing
Toronto, ON, M6J 1H4
Outpatient early intervention, treatment and recovery services
- case management
- consultation and assessment
- individualized medication treatment
- support, counselling and symptoms management
- peer support
- ongoing risk assessment
- patient and family education and support
- General Education Development (GED)
- prevention and research
Toronto, ON, M5V 3B1
Child mental health counselling for ages birth-17 years and their families
- service coordination
- individual or family therapy
- family support
- workshops
Offered at Félix Leclerc elementary school and Toronto Ouest secondary school
- for children from 6 to 17 years with behavioural, emotional or social disorders,
- educational and therapeutic services delivered in a school setting
- individual or group assessment and treatment for eligible children
- family support
Mental health counselling for adults
- individual or group therapy
- counselling and social intervention
- accompaniment (see Passages program)
Toronto, ON, M6J 2J8
Early Intervention
Mental health services for children with social, emotional or behavioural problems
- child and family programs, including family, parent and community counselling
- Intensive Community and Home Services
- child care consultation services and intensive resource support
- school based programs
- SNAP (Stop Now and Plan) intervention and treatment program for children 6-11 years (see separate listing)
Family Violence
Services for women and their children birth-16 years who have experienced family violence or childhood sexual abuse
- individual and group counselling
- on-site counselling for women and children living in shelters
- school liaison program for children in shelters
- treatment services for children and youth who have been sexually abused
- training and support to professionals providing this treatment
Healthy Child Development
5 early learning centres, EarlyON Child and Family Centre, Parkdale-High Park (see separate listing)
Learning Disabilities and Mental Health Services
Clinical services for children 8-18 years with diagnosed learning disabilities and mental health issues (see separate listing)
Child and Adolescent Services for Abuse and Trauma (CASAT)
For children and youth 4-18 years, and their families, affected by sexual abuse or other interpersonal traumas, such as physical or emotional abuse, or exposure to domestic violence
- includes counselling and mental health consultation
- Understanding Child Sexual Abuse, guide for parents and caregivers available online in English, Mandarin, Punjabi, Spanish
Toronto, ON, M6E 3V4
- workshops, community education and engagement, and consultation to schools, social agencies and community groups
- Towhee Summer Residential Program: residential therapeutic summer camp for children and youth 10-18 years
Toronto, ON, M6E 3V4
- includes SNAP cognitive behavioural therapy and skills development
SNAP Girls and SNAP Boys -- for children with behavioural problems, and their families
- skills development includes effective emotional regulation, self-control and problem solving
- individual counselling and/or mentoring for children who require extra support
- connects children and parents with community resources
- school advocacy and teacher support to assist children who are struggling behaviourally and/or not performing at their age-appropriate grade level
- assists in prevention of delinquency, school drop-out and teen pregnancy
SNAP Youth Justice -- prevention and intervention for at-risk youth
- reduce the risk of further contact with the law and/or gang membership, who are involved in the youth justice system, either in custody, on probation and/or in the community
Toronto, ON, M9W 4L6
- racialized families with children 6-11 years requiring assistance from or referral to SNAP, email [email protected]
- Family Resource Programs - contact [email protected]
- Critical support, [email protected]
Food Pantry
For emergency food access email [email protected], or call 2-1-1 or Daily Bread Food Bank 416-203-0050 for referral to alternate food bank
Support for youth in contact with Criminal Justice System, and their families
Information and referral, counselling and support
- telephone counselling for youth and their families on dealing with stress and anxiety, representational supports during video court proceedings such as bail hearings
- support letters for court related matters
- email [email protected]
YouTube Channel
- parenting programs and activities for children and families
Community development and capacity building, services for children and families, settlement and legal resources, programs for youth and seniors
Food Pantry
Emergency food access, member of North York Harvest Food Bank
Family resource programs
Programs for parents/caregivers and their children
- play group
- parenting workshops for families including those with special needs children and teenagers
- multicultural drop-in
- parent relief
- child care registry
- toy lending library
- early literacy program
- after school program
- training for home child care providers
Culturally appropriate counselling for children 6-11 years, and their families; focus on those of African descent
Settlement services
Employment support and information and referral for landed immigrants and refugees
Community Development and Capacity Building
- community kitchen and food skills training
- leadership and skills development training
- Humber Summit Green Project
- violence prevention education
- Humber Summit Getting Active
- community conversation circles
- community events
- residents group capacity building, community office
- one to one support
- anti-black racism education
- volunteer placements
- peer mediation training
- leadership training
- eco club
- basketball
- employment skills development
- summer camp
- youth group, advises Delta on youth programs
Services available at satellite locations, including Rexdale Community Hub (Albion Neighbourhood Services, Rexdale Multiservice Hub) at 21 Panorama Court, 416-741-3000 (see separate listing)
Oshawa, ON, L1J 0C6
Programs and services include
- therapy
- community outreach
- parenting programs and family support
- health and wellness programs