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Elizabeth Fry Toronto


Transitional housing, counselling, community, court and outreach programs


Phyllis Haslam Residence -- transitional residence for women on parole

  • staffed 24 hours
  • individual and group counselling, practical assistance
  • referral and support to plan for release
  • capacity 19

House Success Program -- case management program supporting individuals and households exiting homelessness to work towards continued housing stability


General Counselling -- individual and group counselling supports and workshops for women in the community dealing with social, economic and justice issues

  • provides information pertaining to legal rights, health and safety and alternatives to at-risk behaviours
  • programs include parenting, newcomer family law, anger management, theft and fraud, healing from abuse and trauma, domestic/gender based violence, and substance abuse

Reintegration Counselling -- individual and group counselling for women on provincial probation and parole

  • referred clients provided with skills to develop alternatives to theft, fraud, substance use behaviours and poor decision making
  • general counselling topics recommened by parole officers such as parenting, substance use behaviours and healing from abuse

Direct Accountability Program (DAP) -- provides alternatives to prosecution for individuals charged with minor criminal offences, operates at the Ontario Court of Justice, 10 Armoury St and 2201 Finch Ave W

Partner Abuse Response program -- 12 week group education and counselling program on domestic violence and non-abusive ways of resolving conflict

  • victims/partners of the offender provided with support including safety planning, referrals to community resources, and information on offender's progress

TREM Standing Strong (TREM SS), 416-924- 3708 ext 261 or ext 252 - 16 week group program for women 16-29 who identify as survivors of gender based or family violence

  • trauma informed group and individual counselling
  • groups available to participants 16-19 and 20-29
  • clients also receive individual counselling and resource support as needed/requested during enrollment in program
  • Youth Dating Violence (YDV) training and knowledge sharing opportunities to community service organizations

Employment and Community Supports

Women's Empowerment Through Business (WEB) -- trauma-informed program to promote economic security and independence for women and gender-diverse individuals through entrepreneurship training, personal development workshops and expanding peer connections

Record Suspension (Pardon) Information Services -- supports women and men with submitting a record suspension application to the National Parole Board of Canada

  • application processing fees and TTC fares covered
  • virtual support to anyone living anywhere in Canada

Volunteer Led Supports

Talk and Listen Phone Line, 1-855-924-3708 -- Monday-Friday 9:30 am-4 pm, assists women calling from institutions to navigate the criminal justice system

  • information and resources on legal information, housing, mental health services, reintegration, release planning
  • does not make third part calls or call on anyone's behalf

Court Support -- practical assistance and support, information to women and their families navigating the court system

  • assistance with referrals, information and resources
  • free snacks, clothing, personal hygiene items for women released on bail
  • located at 10 Armoury St and 2201 Finch Ave W courts

Vanier Centre for Women -- social and recreation program, provides information and resources about Elizabeth Fry Toronto and other community supports

The Market Place -- for marginalized women particularly those recently released from incarceration

  • provides donations such as clothing, hygiene supplies and gift cards to clients

Bingo Hall Program - provides volunteer opportunities for volunteers and clients the bingo hall to provide information about the organization while raising funds

Hours of Operation
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm , some evening programs
  • after hours -- residential telephone answered Mon-Sun 24 hours

Talk and Listen Phone Line -- Mon-Fri 9:30 am-4 pm
Women and non-binary people 13 years and older who are, have been, or are at risk of coming into conflict with the law
Partner Assault Response program -- women 18 years and older, ordered by the court to attend the program in response to a criminal charge involving domestic violence

Phyllis Haslam Residential program -- women 18 years and older who are on parole, probation or long-term supervision order, and are referred from Correctional Services Canada
Application Process
Contact Reception for information on applying to services and programs
  • staff and volunteers visit correctional institutions regularly
  • private meetings can be arranged through correctional staff
  • accepts collect calls from prisons

Any women in a federal or provincial prison can ask to speak to the Elizabeth Fry Toronto worker or call toll free 1-855-924-3708
  • intake worker with meet with inmates to discuss and assess eligibility for residence and release plan

Partner Assault Response program -- call to schedule an intake/assessment meeting
Partner Assault Response -- sliding scale
Documents Required
May vary; contact for information
Wheelchair accessible automatic main entrance ; Barrier-free washroom including door and stall
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Last Updated On
January 23, 2025